Thursday, 22 September 2011

The Pointy Theory

All sorts of rumours are circulating at the moment as to which lucky lady is the current (and probably brief) object of Jake Gyllenhaal's affections.
He has been seen out on a few occasions with Rashida Jones, doing nothing more incriminating than eating lunch, but the sharing of food must obviously mean, to the media at least, wedding bells are not far away.

He's also been seen getting a little up close and cuddly with Anna Kendrick, star of Twilight, Up in the Air, and Jakes co-star in the upcoming End of Watch. She's gushed about him quite publicly, does this mean their relationship is more than just professional?

I haven't the foggiest who he's dating at the moment, but I have started to wonder about all of his possible conquests, past and present. They're all very pointy. Nothing against them personally, i'm sure they're lovely, but they are share this characteristic. The two mentioned above, quite pointy.

Reese Witherspoon, his long term love, definitely pointy.

The thankfully shortlived Taylor Swift affair, pointy.

The lovely Natalie Portman, a little pointy.

The only one who isn't really, is Jenny Lewis, who is still my favourite of all and i'm glad they're still friends if nothing else.

I'm trying to dredge my memory for all the others who were real or possible Gyllenhaal girlfriends...oh yes, how could I forget, Kirsten Dunst. Well, I probably forgot because I do my best to block her out of my mind.

Before I start getting too mean, and I don't mean to be, to any of them, well, except Kirsten, i'm going to stop here, and start trying to guess who will be next in the pointy parade...Carey Mulligan perhaps? Oh wait, that's already been rumoured...who is your guess?

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